So there was an airshow over the weekend at the Pease Tradeport. I managed to get tickets through the credit union, and decided to pop along to see the show.
By far and away the star of the show was this guy Rob Holland. He had a small little sports aerobatic plane and he just was incredible. The plane moved so fast and in every which way you can imagine. I only have a couple of bad photos of his act but check him out here:
There were lots of planes on display - one of my favorites is the A-10 Thunderbolt. It has a huge gun on the nose that fires 9,000 rounds of depleted unanium shells per minute. It's designed as an anti-tank plane. If you see one of these coming your way, you're about to have a very bad day!
Then of course for all the Top Gun fans - the F-15. No sign of Tom Cruise though...
Another highlight - there was a Jet Car on display, they fired it up and raced it against Rob Holland in his sports plane. Rob of course flew upside-down.
The F-18 Hornet came out about mid-day. What's really weird about the jets is that you really can't hear them at all until they fly by. Obviously they couldn't break the sound barrier for the show but this one and the F-16 later on got pretty close. The F-18 can do 1800mph, the F-16 can go 1400mph. Anyone who's heard an F1 car up close will know the sort of noise we're talking about here.
The F-16 above is affectionatly known as the Viper.
What amazed me most is that really these planes are much smaller than I had imagined.
There were some great old planes there too. My favorites were the P4, P40 and the B25, below.
There was some formation flying too, most impressive for me was the F16 and the F86 fly-by that happened at the end of the day. It was actually more difficult for the F16 to stay in formation as it had to operate almost near its idling speed to stay with the older F86.
All in all, a grand day out!
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